The Purpose of the Center

To challenge and support those who have taken up the challenge to lead the journeys of change required by the increasingly complex performance imperatives we face – creating heroic organizations and communities in the process.

How we face these challenges has dramatic implications for the health of our organizations, our communities and the earth as a whole.

Why the Heroic?

I’ve worked with corporate and community change for over 20 years. I began adapting my change models to the underlying foundation of the heroic journey after watching the Bill Moyers interviews with Joseph Campbell on PBS. I realized this was the story underlying individual, group, organizational and community change – and that almost all cultures throughout time have known it. The model has always worked. It’s really life’s great adventure and worth pursuing.

The Center is For You if:

- You are being called to lead a significant change (your own voice or another’s voice)

- You have been thrown or lured into leading a journey of change or have blundered into one

- You’re in the midst of a journey that is not going well and needs a major boost

- You are in a follower role and want to be able to self-manage and be an effective follower – challenging and supporting leadership

The Whole Site is Free Because…

I want to make a major contribution to our leadership efforts and I believe in the abundance theory. The right people will end up hiring me for the right reasons. And a much larger number of leaders will take the model and implement it successfully on their own.

What’s Coming

A networking section will provide the ability to ask questions, connect with others, dialogue on key issues, review a growing number of cases, etc. Videos and a slide show will enhance the print material. An individual model for managing a personal heroic journey will complement the organizational and community model. The community model will be expanded significantly. Cases will be added. More templates and worksheets and diagrams will also be added.

How to Help Build the Center

Submit cases, questions, links, people I should talk to, recommend that others visit and provide general feedback on improvements.
